620 Salad


Even though I got goo-goo-ga-ga over the tapenade, this is in fact the very first recipe I ever wrote. I dedicate this recipe to my best friend Malloy who ate this with me often when we lived in our apartment on 620 Clark Street in Evanston. 620 - you were heaven on earth even though you were truly crumbling down around us.


1 Bunch of Kale, torn off its stalks

Juice from 1 Lemon

2 Hearty Drizzles of Olive Oil

1 Small Entire* Head of Broccoli, chopped

1 Cup of Whole RAW Almonds

1 Tbsp of Za’atar

Salt & Pepper to taste

1 Avocado, cubed

1 Tbsp Roasted Sesame Seeds

*if you waste the broccoli stalk, the broccoli monster will haunt you


  1. Preheat oven to 400F, combine chopped broc, za’tar, Drizzle 1 of olive oil, salt & pep, and toss it on a sheet pan when the oven is hot and roast for 15 min

  2. In the oily, seasoned bowl, give those almonds a swirl, with 5 min left on the broc roast clock, toss those almonds onto the sheet pan amongst the chopped stalks

  3. While everything is roasting, massage the kale with lemon and Drizzle 2 of olive oil in a big salad bowl

  4. Add the roasted broc and almonds into the kale bowl, mix, and let cool for 3 minutes

  5. Once things have cooled off, add the avocado and sesame seeds, a fresh grind of salt & pep and give it a toss

  6. Eat with a big slice of toasted sourdough bread and you’ve got a real meal salad my friend


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