TAHARA is a film I wrote & co-produced that we filmed in my hometown of Rochester, NY in May 2019 and premiered at the Slamdance Film Festival in 2020. It will be released in 2022 by Film Movement — can’t wait to tell everyone I have ever met to GO SEE IT IN THEATERS!

I wrote the script as a junior at Northwestern in a “Writing The Microbudget Feature” class taught by filmmaker Stephen Cone. If you want to know more about my inspiration for why click here.

During my senior year, I workshopped it in my last screenwriting class and was encouraged to make the damn thing, so we did! I then linked up with co-producers Dasha Gorin & Madison Ginsberg, who set off on a wild journey of finding people to help bring it to life and ending up having the incredible director Olivia Peace sign on.

It’s a dream team that grew into a bigger dream team and now (wtf???) you can watch the movie at an upcoming festival and (fingers crossed) on a streaming platform in the future.

You can even read some reviews here!

So, so, so many people have helped me and encouraged me along the way and I could go on forever, but I think instead I’ll pause & you should scroll down to check out the stills below (and follow the film on Instagram @TaharaTheFilm)
