Woah, Split Pea Soup

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This soup makes me feel like a god. What I discovered is that I love raisins in savory foods and sustainable vibes. Also, I had a false memory that Split Pea Soup was something you could cook in The Sims, but sadly this is not true.


3 Cups of Dried Green Split Peas

2 Cups of Golden Raisins

3 Cups of Water (for soaking raisins)

6 Cups of Water or Veggie Broth (for soup)

6 Cloves of Garlic, sliced thin

Good Shake of Each: Turmeric, Cinnamon, Cumin, Paprika, Cayenne, Coriander

3 Tbsp of Olive Oil

Juice & Zest from 1 Lemon

Salt & Pepper to taste


  1. Rehydrate raisins in Raisin Water for 1 hour

  2. Heat olive oil, garlic, and spices in a Big Soup Pot on medium heat until fragrant, stirring often so nothing sticks

  3. Add Soup Water/Broth, split peas, rehydrated raisins & their Raisin Water, salt & pepper to taste (quite a bit of salt, it’s a watery soup!), and lemon zest

  4. Bring soup to boil, stirring often so nothing sticks

  5. Once it boils, lower to medium low heat and cook for 43 minutes, stirring ever so often so once again. . . nothing sticks

  6. It’s ready to eat once the split peas are so soft that it’s a sort of creamy/dreamy creation

  7. Serve topped with lemon juice, a little more salt & pep, and a big slice of bread


Green Sauce


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