The Best Breakfast Sandwich?

i felt like this young man when i made this sandwich, i’m guessing

i felt like this young man when i made this sandwich, i’m guessing

So this is definitely rare, but I just made this sandwich. Like I just came up with the recipe and made the sandwich 2 seconds ago and suddenly had the urge to write down the recipe. It’s equal parts spicy, cheesy, springy, and sweet. Definitely gave me that “woah, my house is the hottest restaurant” vibes.


1 Egg

1 Spoonful of Chili Oil, I made mine from This Recipe but I think any type you love would work

1 Slice of Provolone Cheese

Handful of Arugula

2 Slices of Potato Bread


  1. In a small frying pan, heat the spoonful of chili oil over medium-low heat

  2. When small bubbles and ASMR-style sounds start to occur, add the egg, swirl around so the egg white gets nicely coated

  3. Once the white has nicely solidified and you feel confident that you could flip it, flip it over, remove from heat, add your slice of cheese, and cover your frying pan with a lid or a heat-proof plate

  4. While the cheese melts on the egg, toast your slices of potato bread

  5. When the toast is done, assemble the sandwich: put the egg with the cheese on one slice, top with your fistful of arugula, and then cap that sandwich off with your other slice of bread (Is this a good way to describe making a sandwich?)

  6. Enjoy with a glass of juice or a nicely milky coffee to keep your mouth from feeling too, too spicy!


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